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Monday, January 19, 2015

The Wegmans Experience

Since it is the dead of winter here most of us do have to do a good chunk of our shopping at a grocery store.  Well, my husband found a new store on his way home from work called Wegmans and he thought I might like to take a peek.

My first impression is that it is a Whole Foods on steroids with better prices.  First Wegmans is a grocery store with typical name brand products.  I also noted some products that reminded me of Trader Joes, they look interesting but not sure if the quality was there.  Then there was the earthy crunchy and organic products that looked better in quality and came with a price tag.  The typical name brand products prices were actually comparable to what we find in the larger warehouse stores.  The meat, fish and deli displays were clean and well stocked with some pricier items that foodies might want to enjoy.  (One type of steak was $55/pound aged and from some far off land).  The fruits and vegetables looked good.

Second Wegmans is a prepared food store.  You could easily stop buy and pick up a family meal or a meal for one on you're way home from work.  I noticed an area for breakfast foods and lattes.  Again some typical prepared foods and some funky stuff.

Third Wegmans has a food court.  There was everything from a salad bar to asian cuisine to homestyle cuisine.  There were many workers keeping the buffet areas neat and well stocked.  We decided to have dinner there and the buffet food was probably the best I ever tasted.  However, it was still buffet food.  We dined in the balcony which overlooked the store.

The balcony area was spacious and clean.  I noticed some people working on their computers there so I assume wi-fi was available.  There appeared to be a small meeting room similar to what I have seen at Panera.

We spent a little more than usual only because we were picking up a lot of items we wanted to try.  Plus my husband and I never go grocery shopping together.  Not to mention we went without a plan.  Doing a little informal comparison shopping we felt the prices were comparable to what we usually pay.

This was a fun shopping experience.  I'm looking forward to going back.  It's a little far from our house but we will make the trip once in awhile and turn it into a Date Night.....dinner and all.

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